• Common language for community building 

      Neuberg, Anita; Digranes, Ingvild (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This paper is based on a master’s thesis that will be co mpleted in the spring of 2017. Through critical realism, we will analyse the attitudes and priorities in design education in Norwegian primary schools. The aim ...
    • Social innovation for modified consumption by means of the school subject Art and crafts 

      Neuberg, Anita (FormAkademisk - Forskningstidsskriftet for design og designdidaktikk;Vol 14 Nr. 4 (2021): Norwegian papers from the the Academy for Design Innovation Management Conference – ADIM 2019. Special Issue, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-29)
      In this paper I will take a look at how one can facilitate the change in consumption through social innovation, based on the subject of art and design in Norwegian general education. This paper will give a presentation of ...
    • Teori og praksis hånd i hånd - Om det paradoksale skille mellom teori og praksis i faget Kunst og håndverk 

      Neuberg, Anita (Master thesis, 2017)
      Denne avhandlingen fokuserer på det kunstige skillet mellom teori og praksis som man ser tendensen av, både i samfunnet og innad i kunst og håndverksfaget. Stortingsmeldingen Fag -Fordypning - Forståelse (Meld. St.28, 2016) ...